The table of life

Our family resolution this year is “to become a better version of yourself… by doing the next right thing”.  Thanks to the influence of a recent book I read by Matthew Kelly called “Perfectly Yourself”.  I placed this resolution on our refrigerator so that each time we pass by, we are reminded that we are...


He used to tell me that whenever adversity comes your way you need to “rise to the occasion”.  I will never forget this phrase, it has helped me through many twists and turns in my life.  As a kid I used to roll my eyes when he would try to preach and teach, but as...

A mother’s heart

A mother’s heart is a bottomless pit. It always has her child’s best interest in mind.  It is an unconditional pocket of love and at the same time a bruised punching bag, that no matter what, refuses to be deflated. A mother’s heart will take on the world when it comes to protecting her babies,...

For Every Girl

It pains me to hear about young girls who are developing self image issues. One of my clients was recently telling me about how her young tween was struggling with her self image, and she was only 11 years old and was hoping that if she saw herself in the images from a photo session...

A usual day

I make my morning cup of tea, let the dog outside, give a holler to my teenage daughter to wake up, start breakfast, help pack her a good healthy lunch (being new to ‘wheat free’ isn’t so easy), send my goodbyes as she heads out to school (hopefully on time), wait for the text saying...

I want you to know…on your 16th Birthday

Dear Daughter, It is no doubt to me that you have grown into such an amazing beautiful young woman. From the moment you were born I knew you would have a sweet kind soul. As an infant, you decided to do things your way, you scooted around the house instead of crawling, because it got...

half the nest

I watched her for nearly an hour as she flew back and forth to her home with a morsel of food in her beak. Each time she left the birdhouse, the little chicks chirped and chirped in desperation for their mama to return again. She landed each time on the ridge of the roof of the...


I hope you will take a few moments to read over some of my blog posts to learn a little bit more about me. I enjoy writing when I have time and can and love to put

words to my images.


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